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Indecent Exposure

Indecent exposure is the act of willfully exposing your genitals to someone else, motivated by a desire to sexually gratify yourself or offend the other person. California indecent exposure law is pretty broad and also vague and can cover behavior that you might not have thought was criminal. If you are facing indecent exposure charges, you may be surprised and feel that your rights have been violated. Interestingly, despite constant changes in what society considers "indecent," California's indecent exposure statute has remained virtually unchanged since its enactment in 1872. While a California "indecent exposure" conviction may not seem like a very serious offense, the repercussions can be devastating. In most cases, a first indecent exposure conviction subjects you to misdemeanor penalties of up to six (6) months in county jail and a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000). A second offense is a felony and can lead to a California state prison sentence. But perhaps worst of all, any Penal Code conviction subjects you to a lifetime duty to register as a register as a California sex offender.

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