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Money laundering is the process of disguising criminal proceeds and may include the movement of clean money through the United States with the intent to commit a crime in the future (e.g., terrorism). Common methods include disguising the source of the proceeds; changing the form of the proceeds; or moving the proceeds to a place where the proceeds are less likely to attract attention. The object of money laundering is ultimately to get the proceeds back to the individual who generated them. Money laundering is a necessary consequence of almost all profit generating crimes and can occur almost anywhere in the world. Money laundering is a threat to the United States tax system in that taxable illegal source proceeds go undetected along with some taxable legal source proceeds from tax evasion schemes. Both schemes use nominees, currency, multiple bank accounts, wire transfers, and international "tax havens" to avoid detection. This untaxed underground economy ultimately erodes public confidence in the tax system.


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Money Laundering